Tuesday 12 July 2016


It was a pleasant evening, I was on my way to home from work. While I was walking to my car, I passed by a shopping mall that were so happening with a huge number of crowds. I wanted to make a visit, but I was pretty tired. But I went in for a moment of relaxation. It has been three weeks I have started my internship in a company. The work all are going good, and sometimes I feel so bored due to no work. But I will do something in my computer to fulfill my time. I read a lot of articles and reading never gets me bored. By reading, I’ll get the satisfaction of did something productive. This energy always brought me to do something fruitful in a day.
I was away from my university life for the past one month which made me to miss my friends and classmates. They never fails to put a smile on my face. That is why they are called as friends. But something happened when I entered the mall. It was two guy friends of mine hanging out there. They were so surprised to see me there and so do I. We stopped by and starts to talk and starts with our gossips and stories. It is really fun catching up with them after so long and it made me realized how our lives changed from being a student to an employee in that short period of time.  
While we were walking around and talking, Dav said he wants to go to the washroom and Nash stayed with me. We were right next to the stage where we saw a group of dancers performing for some kind of event. Nash asked me to join them, but I said no. He ran and climb up to the stage and danced like a drunkard. When Dav came back, I asked whether Nash is drunk, he said no but he was so stressed with the work load in office. Then I said, “Yes, well I’m having bad days too.” Few minutes later we saw a vodka stall and we planned to get some. Obviously as a girl I said no at the beginning, but then he forced me and I agreed.
He ordered six shots for each of us. It wasn’t that bad, and it tastes similar to fruit juice but a little bit bitter. We were talking and Dav asked me about my love life, and yea I always says great because my love never failed to make our relationship strong and cheerful day by day. I would say he’s the best thing that happened to me in my 21 years of life and I really mean it. Dav was so happy. While we were teasing each other on f love stories I sensed my drink was finished.
I turn to the bartender to order, but I couldn’t find him. I noticed a sudden silence around me. It was freezing and I was shivering like hell. Thank God I brought my sweater and I wore it. I was looking for Dav, who was there right next to me. There was no one in the mall. It happened in just a few seconds. I was freaked out and at the same moment I took my phone to make a call. I stood next to a mirror glass door facing back and try to on my phone. I was unable to unlock my screen and my phone was not responding.
As I try to point upwards, I noticed something on the black screen. I saw a shadow of a man hitting the door in such a harsh way. But surprisingly I couldn’t hear anything of that sound. As I saw that I turned around and saw him standing in that position and a loud voice of him shouting. I was so scared and ran away from that place to the balcony. I tried to open the balcony door to reach out, but then I ended up in failure. As I turn back to the door where I saw the weird man, it was nothing there and I sense a terrible smell and the environment was super cold. I started to cry so much and shouts for help. But no one responded to me. It was the most horrified moment of my life.
I need to escape from this crazy building, but how. I was the only person who got struck all alone here. This building should be haunted.  But it looked so presentable when I entered here. I got trapped by some paranormal forces. All I’m focusing right now is to find a way to escape from this place. I took my phone again and brave myself to look around with screen locked to see any figures. I saw nothing, then I moved out from that place and search for an exit sign. While I was approaching to the mirror glass door, I saw the same shadow hitting the door so loud, but this time I looked away and ran bravely. As I did that I felt so confidence that I can escape from the building.
I approached a door with an exit sign, but the door was locked. I look for something to break the lock and I manage to break it. When I opened the door, I heard a loud scream voice from behind me. I noticed that this shadow is the same figure from the beginning and it can only been seen from a reflection. If I panicked it approaches me. If I don’t, it ignores me. It doesn’t harm me with any injuries nor accidents. But I manage to gain confidence that I can escape from this haunted place. I don’t know why and how I got trapped here. But now I should get out from this place. As I approach to the exit area, there was a huge black figure blocking me and scaring me from escaping the building. I took out my holy book which I used to keep in my bag for safety and point it out to the shadow. It screamed so loud and push me and cause me to hit the sharp wood that were torn. It cause injury and I was bleeding.
I manage to run away from the shadow even though I was bleeding. I manage to get out from the building as fast as I can. I approach to my car and drive straight to nearby clinic to aid myself. This is my first time experiencing such incident. This cause me terrible fever and I changed my phone, because every time I looked at it, it made me to think of the shadow I saw. That night I came to my room to sleep and I took my phone to make a call to my love. As I try to unlock the phone, it didn’t respond. My phone did the same as what it happened in the mysterious building. I was so freaked out, and took my phone and point upward to see through my phone. I turned around but I saw nothing. Im glad and went to my bed. I close my eyes and fell asleep soundly. I heard something hitting the door in the midnight. I woke up and saw the shadow was there right next to me!


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