Sunday 14 May 2017

BEGINning After an END

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Being in a married life isn’t easy as we think when we are in a love relationship with a guy. It needs a lot commitments, understanding and unconditional love from both the personality. It all started when my wife suddenly said that she don’t deserve me in her life.
I’m a poor guy who born and raised by my beautiful and caring parents in a village. Due to lack of financial support I can’t study much. But it doesn’t stop me from learning new stuff, and I will always read newspaper and get my self-updated with all the current issues happening all over the country.
On a fine day, as I was walking by my land here comes the angel who God sent to me. I lost my heart the second I saw her. She was dressed and looks like a school girl. Days went on and I started to approach her. Days and month goes on, we became closer. We started to meet often. One day she approach to me saying that her school session is going to end, and her parents are very lack in financial support to send her in higher studies.
As school also ends and I can’t see her walking pass by my land anymore. This reminds me that I should do something to help her and I started to seek my parent’s help to lend some money. Years went on I helped throughout her college fees and everything. She finished her studies and graduated. I was really proud that I was the reason behind her success. She was very happy and said she fell in love with me.
The next year we were married. For the past two years our life was so happy until one day it all ended out of a sudden. Our fights suddenly became frequent and it’s like every day we goes to bed with tears and disappointments. As a guy I’m not ashamed to say this but it really hurts a lot when your wife says your ugly and I deserve a better guy in appearance, and you are uneducated. She is working and earns money every month, but I’m just a farmer.
She started to go party and come back home late night, and during weekends she will bring a guy so called her colleague to home and cook or sometimes goes out with him. When one day I point out this into argument, she said she needs a divorce. I was broken with that word. All the divorce papers were signed and we were asked to be seen next week.  
The day came and we were both facing the judge. As the lawyer approach her and ask the reason, she said I’m uneducated, and she don’t deserve a guy like me. As they asked me I said I don’t want divorce, I want justice and please don’t give us divorce. And the judge asked us to go for counselling.
After few months, she started to move out from our house. She went and stay with her parents. This guy, the colleague brought her out and I saw her in a restaurant. But she didn’t bother to see me. Then I left the place and went home as quickly I can, because it’s really hurting to see your wife going out with another guy. This is not in a sense of jealous but I was really worried of her security. What if the guy mishandles or misbehaves with her, because anything can happen any time. So many things were running in my mind. As I was praying hard, there she comes with tears in eyes. She hugged me so tightly and cried out aloud asking sorry to me.
I was so freaked out and was so worried looking at her. I calm her down and asked the reason. As when she started to say that she came to know what was the real intention of the colleague guy is that just to use her overnight with his friends and just for that reason he confused her with words telling she needs a better guy than I am. I was so relieved and thank god for at last she came to know the truth.

Sometimes putting faith in god do really helped a man to solve his problem. We were so happy and glad we weren’t separate. Thank you lord!!


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