Sunday 14 May 2017


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It was a chilled morning where I had some difficulties in waking up myself. But yet I managed to wake up. Today I have to go to campus, because I have this industrial visit to Big Ocean near to next state. This is a great chance for me to learn engineering stuff as we all are the future engineers. This project has been coming up into serious issues in news’s headiness and social network. I’m so proud that our country finally comes up with something outstanding that is well known worldwide.
“Ring, ring”, oh that’s my phone and I know who exactly calling me. This should be my friend Manosh, and I answered “Where are you, I’m waiting for half an hour downstairs”, and I said, “I’m on my way”.
Down I rush and bang on him, well as usual I was the last person to onboard the bus. I got scold from lecturers, but I don’t bother them because I was busy setting up my stuff in the bus and was finding for a seat. And again Manosh poke me from behind and offer me a seat and we sit together. We shared a lot of stories on the way and Manosh was the best person and best buddy I shared everything since small. He is my best friend until at one point all my other friends thought we are in a relationship. But I’m happy that Manosh is very clear about our relationship and that’s the reason we are still friends till today.
“Here we are”, said our lecturer by giving a sign that we have reached our destination. I can clearly hear the sound of wave, and smell of sea. I grab my bag and was rushing myself to take out my camera nikon D750. I was too excited and can’t wait to see and learn from lecture session of Mr Prabhagaran, the Senior Engineer and the Founder of this new technology called “Ocean Freeze”.
I started to take pictures whatever I finds unique and extraordinary, while my crazy buddy was talking all the while. We were called into a lecture hall and asked to sit accordingly. The moment Mr Prabhagaran entered, I can feel goosebumps. We gave a warm welcome to him by clapping hand loudly but I was busy taking few shots of him.
He started to give a welcome speech to all of us, and gave us a small presentation on his research about his new project. He also stated that he implemented in the ocean nearby to test his founding. It was three months ever since his founding and since, there were no harm effects he and all the engineers from Board of Engineers approved his project and stated to be in watch for 2 years.
We were brought to the working site after the lecture. After we entered, we found ourselves as if in Antarctic. The place was really cold, yet we can still hear the sound of waves.  We managed to ask few questions to the founder. I also didn’t miss the chance to approach him, so I went towards him and throw him few questions. He was very polite while answering me back and he made direct eye to eye contact. I actually learnt a lot from him and managed to take few photographs with him. While he was answering the questions, we heard a huge sound like cracking of ice cube, but in a larger version.
Mr Prabhagaran rushed out to see what the cause was and asked us to stay safe in. Suddenly a huge sound of waves is heard clearly. Our lecturers start to get panicked. I and Manosh wanted to see what’s going outside, so went to the hall at upstairs without even informing the lecturers. There was no roof, it was the rooftop. We can see everything outside clearly. I took my camera and start to zoom in as far as I can at the frozen ocean area. As I was zooming, I managed to capture few shots of aggressive waves breaking the frozen sector. Thus water approaches vigorously and breaking the frozen sector deeper.
I wanted to aware about this to our lecturer and we went downstairs. We showed the images. I ask our lecturer we should get out of this place as soon as possible, because if not we would be trapped and drowned by heavy waves. Our lecturer was very panic, so I and Manosh help to instruct the students and brought them to the bus. We asked the driver to take off. Three hours of continuous journey we head to south because the waves were approaching from west. We took rest at nearby restaurant. We bought some drinks and saw flash news on television screen. It was the wave that destroyed the frozen sector and caused huge damage to the nearby place and got flooded. It will take few days for the flood to reduce, and people are gone missing with zero deaths were stated. We were so relieved. Our lecturer thanked me and Manosh for the quick act. We were safe home. Well this was an adventurous trip we had since the past. I had learnt a lot of lessons as well. But yet was worried about the founder. But mistakes always brought to a new innovation. Hope he can come up with one to repair this.
The End… 

BEGINning After an END

Image result for begin and end wallpapers

Being in a married life isn’t easy as we think when we are in a love relationship with a guy. It needs a lot commitments, understanding and unconditional love from both the personality. It all started when my wife suddenly said that she don’t deserve me in her life.
I’m a poor guy who born and raised by my beautiful and caring parents in a village. Due to lack of financial support I can’t study much. But it doesn’t stop me from learning new stuff, and I will always read newspaper and get my self-updated with all the current issues happening all over the country.
On a fine day, as I was walking by my land here comes the angel who God sent to me. I lost my heart the second I saw her. She was dressed and looks like a school girl. Days went on and I started to approach her. Days and month goes on, we became closer. We started to meet often. One day she approach to me saying that her school session is going to end, and her parents are very lack in financial support to send her in higher studies.
As school also ends and I can’t see her walking pass by my land anymore. This reminds me that I should do something to help her and I started to seek my parent’s help to lend some money. Years went on I helped throughout her college fees and everything. She finished her studies and graduated. I was really proud that I was the reason behind her success. She was very happy and said she fell in love with me.
The next year we were married. For the past two years our life was so happy until one day it all ended out of a sudden. Our fights suddenly became frequent and it’s like every day we goes to bed with tears and disappointments. As a guy I’m not ashamed to say this but it really hurts a lot when your wife says your ugly and I deserve a better guy in appearance, and you are uneducated. She is working and earns money every month, but I’m just a farmer.
She started to go party and come back home late night, and during weekends she will bring a guy so called her colleague to home and cook or sometimes goes out with him. When one day I point out this into argument, she said she needs a divorce. I was broken with that word. All the divorce papers were signed and we were asked to be seen next week.  
The day came and we were both facing the judge. As the lawyer approach her and ask the reason, she said I’m uneducated, and she don’t deserve a guy like me. As they asked me I said I don’t want divorce, I want justice and please don’t give us divorce. And the judge asked us to go for counselling.
After few months, she started to move out from our house. She went and stay with her parents. This guy, the colleague brought her out and I saw her in a restaurant. But she didn’t bother to see me. Then I left the place and went home as quickly I can, because it’s really hurting to see your wife going out with another guy. This is not in a sense of jealous but I was really worried of her security. What if the guy mishandles or misbehaves with her, because anything can happen any time. So many things were running in my mind. As I was praying hard, there she comes with tears in eyes. She hugged me so tightly and cried out aloud asking sorry to me.
I was so freaked out and was so worried looking at her. I calm her down and asked the reason. As when she started to say that she came to know what was the real intention of the colleague guy is that just to use her overnight with his friends and just for that reason he confused her with words telling she needs a better guy than I am. I was so relieved and thank god for at last she came to know the truth.

Sometimes putting faith in god do really helped a man to solve his problem. We were so happy and glad we weren’t separate. Thank you lord!!


Tuesday 20 September 2016

All About Being a Writer !!!

“Writing isn't about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end it's about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well. It's about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy. ...this a permission slip: you can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink.
Drink and be filled up.” 
― Stephen KingOn Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Wednesday 13 July 2016

He's My Mr. RIGHT

After all, you're the best thing happened to me. He made me feel this. Yes He is!

Love is a beautiful feeling when it happens to you at the right time with the right person. 

When it comes to those love stories, poems, quotes, songs stories all I could imagine is you being first into my mind. I love that uncontrollable feeling in myself. You made me right, you made me beautiful. You made me to fall in love.

It all started by being best friends first. We met up, without my awareness I fell in love with you. The way you hold my hands with full of love and not even with lust is what made myself to fall in love with you. 

You were the perfect guy I always wanted to own. 


Pretty well, that's how our love begins. It was our first conversation to get to know each other. We exchanged numbers later on and then we started to fell in love. He is mine and I'm  His now. 

Tuesday 12 July 2016


It was a pleasant evening, I was on my way to home from work. While I was walking to my car, I passed by a shopping mall that were so happening with a huge number of crowds. I wanted to make a visit, but I was pretty tired. But I went in for a moment of relaxation. It has been three weeks I have started my internship in a company. The work all are going good, and sometimes I feel so bored due to no work. But I will do something in my computer to fulfill my time. I read a lot of articles and reading never gets me bored. By reading, I’ll get the satisfaction of did something productive. This energy always brought me to do something fruitful in a day.
I was away from my university life for the past one month which made me to miss my friends and classmates. They never fails to put a smile on my face. That is why they are called as friends. But something happened when I entered the mall. It was two guy friends of mine hanging out there. They were so surprised to see me there and so do I. We stopped by and starts to talk and starts with our gossips and stories. It is really fun catching up with them after so long and it made me realized how our lives changed from being a student to an employee in that short period of time.  
While we were walking around and talking, Dav said he wants to go to the washroom and Nash stayed with me. We were right next to the stage where we saw a group of dancers performing for some kind of event. Nash asked me to join them, but I said no. He ran and climb up to the stage and danced like a drunkard. When Dav came back, I asked whether Nash is drunk, he said no but he was so stressed with the work load in office. Then I said, “Yes, well I’m having bad days too.” Few minutes later we saw a vodka stall and we planned to get some. Obviously as a girl I said no at the beginning, but then he forced me and I agreed.
He ordered six shots for each of us. It wasn’t that bad, and it tastes similar to fruit juice but a little bit bitter. We were talking and Dav asked me about my love life, and yea I always says great because my love never failed to make our relationship strong and cheerful day by day. I would say he’s the best thing that happened to me in my 21 years of life and I really mean it. Dav was so happy. While we were teasing each other on f love stories I sensed my drink was finished.
I turn to the bartender to order, but I couldn’t find him. I noticed a sudden silence around me. It was freezing and I was shivering like hell. Thank God I brought my sweater and I wore it. I was looking for Dav, who was there right next to me. There was no one in the mall. It happened in just a few seconds. I was freaked out and at the same moment I took my phone to make a call. I stood next to a mirror glass door facing back and try to on my phone. I was unable to unlock my screen and my phone was not responding.
As I try to point upwards, I noticed something on the black screen. I saw a shadow of a man hitting the door in such a harsh way. But surprisingly I couldn’t hear anything of that sound. As I saw that I turned around and saw him standing in that position and a loud voice of him shouting. I was so scared and ran away from that place to the balcony. I tried to open the balcony door to reach out, but then I ended up in failure. As I turn back to the door where I saw the weird man, it was nothing there and I sense a terrible smell and the environment was super cold. I started to cry so much and shouts for help. But no one responded to me. It was the most horrified moment of my life.
I need to escape from this crazy building, but how. I was the only person who got struck all alone here. This building should be haunted.  But it looked so presentable when I entered here. I got trapped by some paranormal forces. All I’m focusing right now is to find a way to escape from this place. I took my phone again and brave myself to look around with screen locked to see any figures. I saw nothing, then I moved out from that place and search for an exit sign. While I was approaching to the mirror glass door, I saw the same shadow hitting the door so loud, but this time I looked away and ran bravely. As I did that I felt so confidence that I can escape from the building.
I approached a door with an exit sign, but the door was locked. I look for something to break the lock and I manage to break it. When I opened the door, I heard a loud scream voice from behind me. I noticed that this shadow is the same figure from the beginning and it can only been seen from a reflection. If I panicked it approaches me. If I don’t, it ignores me. It doesn’t harm me with any injuries nor accidents. But I manage to gain confidence that I can escape from this haunted place. I don’t know why and how I got trapped here. But now I should get out from this place. As I approach to the exit area, there was a huge black figure blocking me and scaring me from escaping the building. I took out my holy book which I used to keep in my bag for safety and point it out to the shadow. It screamed so loud and push me and cause me to hit the sharp wood that were torn. It cause injury and I was bleeding.
I manage to run away from the shadow even though I was bleeding. I manage to get out from the building as fast as I can. I approach to my car and drive straight to nearby clinic to aid myself. This is my first time experiencing such incident. This cause me terrible fever and I changed my phone, because every time I looked at it, it made me to think of the shadow I saw. That night I came to my room to sleep and I took my phone to make a call to my love. As I try to unlock the phone, it didn’t respond. My phone did the same as what it happened in the mysterious building. I was so freaked out, and took my phone and point upward to see through my phone. I turned around but I saw nothing. Im glad and went to my bed. I close my eyes and fell asleep soundly. I heard something hitting the door in the midnight. I woke up and saw the shadow was there right next to me!


Monday 11 July 2016

Get some Ideas !

Short Story Ideas

With that in mind, why not use these ten short story ideas to write your first ten stories, one per week, over the next ten weeks? I promise you, you’re life will look totally different if you do it.
Here are the short story ideas:

1. Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical scar or emotional one.

To be a writer, said Stephen King, “The only requirement is the ability to remember every scar.”
Good writers don’t cover up their wounds, they glorify them. Think for a few moments about a moment in your life when you were wounded, whether physically or emotionally. Then, write a story, true or fictional, involving that wound.

2. Your character discovers a dead body OR witnesses a death.

In 2011, 20 short stories were published in Best American Short Stories. Half of them involved a character dying. That same year, all 13 of the novels shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize involved the theme of death.
Think about your favorite films or novels. How many of them either show a character die or have the character’s dealing with the death of another.
Good writers don’t turn away from death, which is, after all, the universal human experience. Instead, they look it directly into it’s dark face and describe what they see on the page.

3. Your character is orphaned.

Pop quiz: What do Harry Potter, Superman, Cosette from Les Miserables, Bambi, David Copperfield, Frodo Baggins, Tom Sawyer, Santiago fromThe Alchemist, Arya Stark, and Ram Mohammed Thomas from Slumdog Millionaire have in common? Beside the fact that they are characters in some of the bestselling stories of all time?
They’re all orphans.
Writers love orphans, and statistically they appear in stories far more often than in the world. Orphans are uniquely vulnerable, and as such, they have the most potential for growth. It’s time for you to write a story about one.

4. Your character discovers a ghost.

One more pop quiz: What do Edgar Allen Poe, Ron Weasley, King Saul from the Bible, Odysseus, and Ebeneezer Scrooge have in common?
Each of these characters* from literary classics saw ghosts!
Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, they make great stories. Have your character find one.
Need more reasons to write about ghosts? Check out our article, 3 reasons to write about ghosts.
*Edgar Allen Poe was not exactly a character, but he was the narrator of “The Raven.”

5. Your character’s relationship ends.

Whether it’s a friendship or a romantic relationship or even the relationship between a parent and his or her child, write about the end of a character’s relationship.
As you write, be sure to keep this in mind:
“Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning,” says Dakota Fanning’s character in Uptown Girls.
While it might feel like you’re writing an ending, remember that this end is the opportunity for a new beginning, both for your character andyour story.

More Short Story Ideas

Ready to get writing? Get our workbook 15 Days to Write and Submit a Short Story for a step-by-step guide through the process.

6. Your character’s deepest fear is holding his or her relationship OR career back.

“Why bats, Master Wayne?” asks Alfred in Batman Begins.
“Bats frighten me,” Bruce answers. “It’s time my enemies shared my dread.”
We all have pieces of ourselves we’re trying to hide. You do, and so do the characters in your short stories. However, your characters’ secret fears and insecurities are actually the source of their power. Dive into them and you’ll unlock a captivating story.

7. A character living in poverty comes into an unexpected fortune.

This storyline is one of the seven basic plots, and it describes the plot of some of our favorites stories, including Cinderella, AladdinGreat Expectations, several of the parables of Jesus, and even Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
However, not all fortunes are good. As Tolstoy’s short story How Much Land Does a Man Need? and John Steinbeck’s novella The Pearl illustrate, sometimes discovering a fortune will destroy your life.

8. A character unexpectedly bumps into his or her soulmate, literally.

In film, it’s called the meet cute, when the hero bumps into the heroine in the hallway, knocking her books to the floor, and forcing them into conversation. In another story, they meet on a bus and her broach gets stuck on his coat. In another, they both reach for the last pair of gloves at the department store.
What happens next is an awkward, endearing conversation between the future lovers.
First, setup the collision. Then, let us see how they handle it.

9. Your character is on a journey. However, they are interrupted by a natural disaster OR an accident.

This is the plot of Gravity, The Odyssey, and Lord of the Rings. It’s fun because who hasn’t been longing to get to a destination only to be delayed by something unexpected.

10. Your character runs into the path of a monster.

In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” a family is on a road trip to Florida when they get into an accident beside the hideout of a murderer who had just escaped from prison. What happens next is one of the most famous encounters with a monstrous criminal in short fiction.
Monsters, whether people who do monstrous things or scaly beasts or a monster of a natural disaster, reveal what’s really inside a person. Let your character fall into the path of a monster and see how they handle themselves.