Tuesday 8 March 2016



After all it was late night, Sally typed “Goodnight” to Mike and fall asleep intensely. They were texting the whole day without getting bored. Thanks to the creator of Whats App. So here how it begins, where Sally was pursuing her studies in engineering college. On one fine day, she got a request from Instagram. She approved and it was just an ordinary guy with a good looking and cute profile. After few days, she saw a friend request in Facebook. It was the same guy! Her heart starts to pounding fast. She approves though. Mike was his name. He approached Sally after few days by texting her in messenger. It was something about the guy that makes Sally to think of him often. He started to say “Hi”, and Sally replied the same. He didn’t ask Sally to introduce herself like what an ordinary guy do. He approached her with a question related to engineering society in her college. And yeah, that’s how their introduction begins which came across all over and currently in WhatsApp. They will text each other every day. They haven’t met in real, and they were eager to, but none approach each other. So it’s about texting the whole day and they never gets tired of it.
It was Monday again, and Sally was awake to get ready to go to college. She saw her phone vibrates with a pop up message from Mike, saying “Good Morning beautiful” with a number of smileys. It made her day, even though it’s just a small greeting message. It’s always about the right one who knows on how to make them happy. After done with classes, Sally took her favorite novel she borrowed from the library. It was something about the book that has some hidden meaning behind it. She remembered reading the book two days earlier that the main character met someone in a party and he approaches her in an unordinary way. “Wait, what? This was what happened to me. It was the exact way how Mike came when he approaches me.” Sally was reading the same page for two to three times, until she never realizes her friends are calling her from behind. She headed back to hostel. She was too eager to share about the novel to Mike. In few minutes later, Mike calls her. They were on phone for an hour where Sally was discussing about the novel.
Sally finished her reading and was pointing out some points she got from the novel. She listed them in detail in her notepad. She was planning to go for a vacation to clear all her doubts regarding the novel. But she needs someone to follow her, “Mike, yes he’s the right guy who can accompany me”, pops in Sally’s mind. The next minute she called Mike and ask “Hey Mike, Sally here. If you don’t mind can we go for a vacation this weekend if you’re free?”
“Definitely, I would love to”
“That’s great to hear from you, thank you. We’ll meet this weekend then and about the location, we discuss later”
“Oh sure, thanks for inviting me”
“No problem”
They hung up later. Sally felt a bit awkward though for approaching him first, where a guy supposed to do that. But it’s ok, because she felt confident enough to solve the mysterious novel. She didn’t say a single word about the reason she’s planning the vacation for. Because, she felt Mike might said she going beyond crazy and it’s a total waste of time.
The weekend finally arrives, and Sally was very excited to start off her adventure. She wasn’t that excited to meet Mike even though that’s their first time, she was all excited to discover about the novel instead. They met in a bus station where they plan to go for jungle trekking in a nearby forest. Sally looked at Mike and they shake their hands and said, “Hi” to each other.
“You look pretty in real compared to what I’ve seen in photos”
“Thanks for your kind words; shall we get into the bus?”
“Yes please my princess”, it brought smile and a little blush onto Sally’s face.
They came up fully prepared with tents and shelters, sleeping bags, camp cooking and dining, hiking and navigation and etc. They were in the bus where they sat next to each other. It took three hours journey in the bus to reach to their destination. Without realization, Sally slept off with her hands holding Mike’s hand and her head leaning onto his shoulder. Mike didn’t say a word and watch her sleeping which brought smile in his face. He kissed her forehead and pinched her cheeks slowly. He started to admiring her, but he didn’t show that to her.
Mike came all the way upon Sally’s request even though he has a lot of commitments in that particular day, because he felt something that made him think that she is his first priority. They reached the journey after three solid hours. Mike slowly wakes Sally, and they got down from the bus. It was three in the noon. They took a cab, and headed to nearby hotel to check in. Sally doesn’t mind staying in a same room with Mike. They booked a room for two days and one night. Mike helped Sally with her bags, and both of them walked towards their room. They unpacked their stuffs and got changed within half an hour. They headed to the nearby forest to look for a campfire set up and a place to set their tent as well. It’s about the place that comes with a package where you can choose to stay indoor or outdoor. They set their tent for each of them one. It was now Sally’s job to start with the points she got from the novel. “Mike, do you know why I called you for this vacation?”
“Yes, I know”
“But I said nothing about it, well what you think?”
“I’m pretty much in love with this idea; I mean anything I would love to do if you are there”
“That’s too sweet of you Mike, but let me tell you why I came this far and the reason I chose you to accompany me. It was all about this novel again, where I find something is related to my life, and yeah so I decided to discover the meaning behind it. So I chose you, because you gave a positive feedback when I shared with you compared to other friends of mine. So shall we start with our adventure?”
“This is cool enough, I am ready and we shall”
The first point she came was, river. “What can we do with river?” asked Mike. “Let’s go for fishing”. “That was a good idea”. Both walked to nearby river and they came up with many challenging obstacles. Finally they reached their destination. They found the place was so relaxing and were so peaceful. They started to tie bait in the hook and starts fishing. After few minutes, Sally found her bait pail have run out of worms. She told Mike that she was going to get grasshopper instead. She walked into the forest all alone. She found too many insects are flying around with scary sounds from all directions. Suddenly Sally realized that she came so far from the river and her heart starts to beats very fast. She looked at the back and couldn’t find which direction she came from. She starts to shiver, as it’s getting darker. She called out for Mike, but no reply. But Sally braves herself and walked along where she can find the way out. The further she walks in, the deeper she got lost into the forest. She was praying hard and calls out Mike’s name. Yet she didn’t get any reply from and wishes he was safe by the river. Tears started to drops down across her cheeks.
It was about two hours Sally was lost but she didn’t gave up and continue to walk. Suddenly she heard water stream sound somewhere deep in the forest. She followed the sound of stream. She got closer and closer. Finally she came by riverside. Luckily she placed a compass in her pocket. She took it out and walks to the south. As she was walking downstream, she saw something which caught her eyes. She saw an old man, half naked sitting in a tree which was carved perfectly beside the river that holds water which drops onto his head drop by drop. She was very surprised and at the same time was scared. Scared in the sense he might harm her. She watched him from all the directions precisely. He didn’t realize her presence and he looks like he was in a deep meditation. The guy called “Yes my daughter?” Sally was shocked but wasn’t scared because he called her in the most polite way.
She called sir and asked what he was really up to. He told something extraordinary to her but she didn’t understand. She asked for explanation. But he refused to and continued with his meditation and closed his eyes. Sally felt something and rushed herself to the riverbank where Mike was fishing. She was so shocked to see Mike was there in the same position he sat when Sally leaves off to the jungle to get the bait. She looks at the sky and it was clear and it’s not getting dark. She was really confused. She approached towards Mike and asked “Are you okay Hun?”, and he answered “You caught bait that fast?” Sally was really surprised and can’t even answer him, but yet she told him what happened to her. She even brought him to the tree she saw the guy, but everything she saw was nothing there.
But she saw one thing only, there was cemetery at right under the same tree she saw the guy. Sally fainted the moment she saw that. Mike was shocked and doesn’t know what to do. He went to the riverbank and took some water in his hand and sprinkled it on Sally’s face but she doesn’t give any response. Mike carried her and brought her to the hotel they checked in and urged them to call for an ambulance. The moment Sally was hospitalized Mike was too down and was worrying about her. He checked her all the time and be by her side for most of the time. The doctors came with a report that says she had stroke and there are less chances for her to recover. He was so doomed with that report and couldn’t even respond with a single word. Mike wants Sally back. But what he could do to save her. All he can do is to pray harder each and every day. “No, there should be something I could do to save her. She must be trapped in a danger”
Mike went to the forest again and went to the cemetery area where Sally fainted. He brought a priest together to console him, what that place was about. After few minutes of observation, the priest came up by identifying what the problem was. The priest told Mike, that it was the novel was all about that causing Sally to came up to this level. “You should bring the novel now and we should destroy it. The novel was haunted by a powerful spirit which made the reader to come into his control where he can bring out the soul for their ritual purposes.” told the priest. Mike doesn’t get anything in his mind. The only thing that runs in his mind was to bring the novel. He was searching the novel all over the places in the hotel and Sally’s bag. But it wasn’t there. Mike’s phone vibrated and it was a call from the hospital Sally admitted to. They urged Mike to come over to settle some pending fees. With disappointments of not finding the novel, Mike reached hospital and he continued to the receptionist to settle the fees. He approached to the room where Sally was admitted to have a look on her pale face which was so cold and can feel she was trapped somewhere and longing for my help. I went forward and kissed her forehead and pinkish cheeks and whispered into her ears that “I promise you that I will always never let you alone, I love you Sally”. As I was about to hold her hands, it was the novel. She was holding the novel. But, “How was it possible, how can she hold them, where it came from?” all kind of questions pop from my mind.
But yes, I finally found the novel. I took the novel from her hand. The moment I removed the novel from her gripping, Sally starts to bleed. She was bleeding from her mouth. But I wanted to hand over the novel to the priest first so that he can destroy it. I rush myself into the forest. The priest was there and I told that Sally was bleeding, and he told it’s the demon that controlling her body. “We have no time to talk, please destroy this first, as Sally is dying there” And the priest obeys my order, he threw the novel into the cemetery hole which he dug previously with some portions and chant spells. He closed the hole and said, “Sally should be awake by now, you should go and see her. She is safe now.”
Mike was so relived and thanked the priest and he rushed himself to the hospital. He rushed to the room she was admitted and found Sally was safe in sound. She makes some movements when I was by the door. She was fixed with many tubes as the effects of bleeding just now. I can’t hold my tears from dropping out from my eyes. I went closer to her and hold her hands. It was warm, like how it was when she holds my hands in the bus. She pulls me and asks me to come nearer. She whispered into my ears, and said that she heard what I whispered to her earlier. She said thanks and said “I love you too”. So everything was solved and they both headed back to home and reached safely.


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