Monday 7 March 2016

My Life's Turning Point

My Life’s Turning Point…

It was the night where I and my mom prepare our family vacation trip to India and I can clearly picture the night, the last night before I leave, I was very determined; I must spend at least 10 minutes talking to my babe. At last it was almost 12 midnight and I should be sleeping in bed but I call her and comfy her for few minutes. She was glad I managed to talk to her and say sweet words because it’s our first time leaving for a longer distance. But I promised her that no matter how busy I am I will call her at least once a day to talk to her. She was very happy and we sleep soon after.
And the day rises. I and my family had our breakfast together and we get ready to go to the airport. Actually this trip is not considered as family vacation because we are heading for our relative’s daughter’s marriage. I, my mom, dad and my brother were in the airport. For the last time before I leave, I called and informed my babe that I’m leaving. She asks me to stay safe.
It was a pleasant trip travelling to India. I enjoyed the journey so much. Once we reached there we had our way to the village. The village was full of green scenes and fresh air made me feel fresh. We had a great time meeting and getting know each other. We gathered after a very long time. Everyone appreciate my dad for the presence with family.
It was 2 days after the marriage ceremonies, I and my family went to sight-seeing the city to buy some stuff. At that time I really wanted to get something for my babe. So I lied to mum that I’m tired and I want to go home first. I quickly ran out from the mall and took a cab and ask the driver to bring to any other jewelry shop. As I entered there was full of ladies and not even a single man except me.
At first I was shy but I manage to enter the shop because I need to buy some presents for my babe. First I really tempted to get a hundred percent pure silver anklet to put over her sweet feet. So I got into that section and have a good one for her. I bought some dress and paintings for her and I just realized that I must rush back home before my parents goes back. I packed all the gifts nicely for her and straight head back to home. At night I was free and I manage to call her after 4 days I settled here.
When I call her, the number can’t be reachable. I was kind a worried. I spend ten minutes trying to call her but couldn’t get at all. Then thank God, I had her younger brother’s number. I called and he picked, I ask him where his sister is and what happened to her phone. He told me that her phone is missing and she went to her aunt’s house. Then only I feel relieved and continue my day peacefully.
Today is the last day in India and we are heading back to Singapore again. Even though we had a good time here but I can’t wait to go back to Singapore to see my babe. I’m so glad to be back to home sweet home after several days. We settled down the whole day and relaxed at home. The next day I woke up very early and get dressed up nicely and planned to give a surprise with the gifts I bought for her. I didn’t even call her and informed that I’m back. I can’t wait to see how she got surprised. I told my mom before leaving and she’s the only one who knows that I have girlfriend. I start my journey and within few minutes I reached her house. Their family knows very well about our love and we have a good support from them. So, I straight head into the house with the gifts I bought for her.

The first thing I saw once I entered was a photo frame of her and her brother with flowers. That really gives a big shock for me and her mother run towards me and she hugged me with eyes full of tears. She told me that she and her brother met in an accident and died on the spot three days ago. But when I call her younger brother two days ago he told everything was fine, which was a lie. I couldn’t bear to take the pain and I leave afterwards. It’s really painful when the person you love leaves you and you can’t even say the last goodbye…


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