Tuesday 20 September 2016

All About Being a Writer !!!

“Writing isn't about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end it's about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well. It's about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy. ...this book...is a permission slip: you can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink.
Drink and be filled up.” 
― Stephen KingOn Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Wednesday 13 July 2016

He's My Mr. RIGHT

After all, you're the best thing happened to me. He made me feel this. Yes He is!

Love is a beautiful feeling when it happens to you at the right time with the right person. 

When it comes to those love stories, poems, quotes, songs stories all I could imagine is you being first into my mind. I love that uncontrollable feeling in myself. You made me right, you made me beautiful. You made me to fall in love.

It all started by being best friends first. We met up, without my awareness I fell in love with you. The way you hold my hands with full of love and not even with lust is what made myself to fall in love with you. 

You were the perfect guy I always wanted to own. 


Pretty well, that's how our love begins. It was our first conversation to get to know each other. We exchanged numbers later on and then we started to fell in love. He is mine and I'm  His now. 

Tuesday 12 July 2016


It was a pleasant evening, I was on my way to home from work. While I was walking to my car, I passed by a shopping mall that were so happening with a huge number of crowds. I wanted to make a visit, but I was pretty tired. But I went in for a moment of relaxation. It has been three weeks I have started my internship in a company. The work all are going good, and sometimes I feel so bored due to no work. But I will do something in my computer to fulfill my time. I read a lot of articles and reading never gets me bored. By reading, I’ll get the satisfaction of did something productive. This energy always brought me to do something fruitful in a day.
I was away from my university life for the past one month which made me to miss my friends and classmates. They never fails to put a smile on my face. That is why they are called as friends. But something happened when I entered the mall. It was two guy friends of mine hanging out there. They were so surprised to see me there and so do I. We stopped by and starts to talk and starts with our gossips and stories. It is really fun catching up with them after so long and it made me realized how our lives changed from being a student to an employee in that short period of time.  
While we were walking around and talking, Dav said he wants to go to the washroom and Nash stayed with me. We were right next to the stage where we saw a group of dancers performing for some kind of event. Nash asked me to join them, but I said no. He ran and climb up to the stage and danced like a drunkard. When Dav came back, I asked whether Nash is drunk, he said no but he was so stressed with the work load in office. Then I said, “Yes, well I’m having bad days too.” Few minutes later we saw a vodka stall and we planned to get some. Obviously as a girl I said no at the beginning, but then he forced me and I agreed.
He ordered six shots for each of us. It wasn’t that bad, and it tastes similar to fruit juice but a little bit bitter. We were talking and Dav asked me about my love life, and yea I always says great because my love never failed to make our relationship strong and cheerful day by day. I would say he’s the best thing that happened to me in my 21 years of life and I really mean it. Dav was so happy. While we were teasing each other on f love stories I sensed my drink was finished.
I turn to the bartender to order, but I couldn’t find him. I noticed a sudden silence around me. It was freezing and I was shivering like hell. Thank God I brought my sweater and I wore it. I was looking for Dav, who was there right next to me. There was no one in the mall. It happened in just a few seconds. I was freaked out and at the same moment I took my phone to make a call. I stood next to a mirror glass door facing back and try to on my phone. I was unable to unlock my screen and my phone was not responding.
As I try to point upwards, I noticed something on the black screen. I saw a shadow of a man hitting the door in such a harsh way. But surprisingly I couldn’t hear anything of that sound. As I saw that I turned around and saw him standing in that position and a loud voice of him shouting. I was so scared and ran away from that place to the balcony. I tried to open the balcony door to reach out, but then I ended up in failure. As I turn back to the door where I saw the weird man, it was nothing there and I sense a terrible smell and the environment was super cold. I started to cry so much and shouts for help. But no one responded to me. It was the most horrified moment of my life.
I need to escape from this crazy building, but how. I was the only person who got struck all alone here. This building should be haunted.  But it looked so presentable when I entered here. I got trapped by some paranormal forces. All I’m focusing right now is to find a way to escape from this place. I took my phone again and brave myself to look around with screen locked to see any figures. I saw nothing, then I moved out from that place and search for an exit sign. While I was approaching to the mirror glass door, I saw the same shadow hitting the door so loud, but this time I looked away and ran bravely. As I did that I felt so confidence that I can escape from the building.
I approached a door with an exit sign, but the door was locked. I look for something to break the lock and I manage to break it. When I opened the door, I heard a loud scream voice from behind me. I noticed that this shadow is the same figure from the beginning and it can only been seen from a reflection. If I panicked it approaches me. If I don’t, it ignores me. It doesn’t harm me with any injuries nor accidents. But I manage to gain confidence that I can escape from this haunted place. I don’t know why and how I got trapped here. But now I should get out from this place. As I approach to the exit area, there was a huge black figure blocking me and scaring me from escaping the building. I took out my holy book which I used to keep in my bag for safety and point it out to the shadow. It screamed so loud and push me and cause me to hit the sharp wood that were torn. It cause injury and I was bleeding.
I manage to run away from the shadow even though I was bleeding. I manage to get out from the building as fast as I can. I approach to my car and drive straight to nearby clinic to aid myself. This is my first time experiencing such incident. This cause me terrible fever and I changed my phone, because every time I looked at it, it made me to think of the shadow I saw. That night I came to my room to sleep and I took my phone to make a call to my love. As I try to unlock the phone, it didn’t respond. My phone did the same as what it happened in the mysterious building. I was so freaked out, and took my phone and point upward to see through my phone. I turned around but I saw nothing. Im glad and went to my bed. I close my eyes and fell asleep soundly. I heard something hitting the door in the midnight. I woke up and saw the shadow was there right next to me!


Monday 11 July 2016

Get some Ideas !

Short Story Ideas

With that in mind, why not use these ten short story ideas to write your first ten stories, one per week, over the next ten weeks? I promise you, you’re life will look totally different if you do it.
Here are the short story ideas:

1. Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical scar or emotional one.

To be a writer, said Stephen King, “The only requirement is the ability to remember every scar.”
Good writers don’t cover up their wounds, they glorify them. Think for a few moments about a moment in your life when you were wounded, whether physically or emotionally. Then, write a story, true or fictional, involving that wound.

2. Your character discovers a dead body OR witnesses a death.

In 2011, 20 short stories were published in Best American Short Stories. Half of them involved a character dying. That same year, all 13 of the novels shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize involved the theme of death.
Think about your favorite films or novels. How many of them either show a character die or have the character’s dealing with the death of another.
Good writers don’t turn away from death, which is, after all, the universal human experience. Instead, they look it directly into it’s dark face and describe what they see on the page.

3. Your character is orphaned.

Pop quiz: What do Harry Potter, Superman, Cosette from Les Miserables, Bambi, David Copperfield, Frodo Baggins, Tom Sawyer, Santiago fromThe Alchemist, Arya Stark, and Ram Mohammed Thomas from Slumdog Millionaire have in common? Beside the fact that they are characters in some of the bestselling stories of all time?
They’re all orphans.
Writers love orphans, and statistically they appear in stories far more often than in the world. Orphans are uniquely vulnerable, and as such, they have the most potential for growth. It’s time for you to write a story about one.

4. Your character discovers a ghost.

One more pop quiz: What do Edgar Allen Poe, Ron Weasley, King Saul from the Bible, Odysseus, and Ebeneezer Scrooge have in common?
Each of these characters* from literary classics saw ghosts!
Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, they make great stories. Have your character find one.
Need more reasons to write about ghosts? Check out our article, 3 reasons to write about ghosts.
*Edgar Allen Poe was not exactly a character, but he was the narrator of “The Raven.”

5. Your character’s relationship ends.

Whether it’s a friendship or a romantic relationship or even the relationship between a parent and his or her child, write about the end of a character’s relationship.
As you write, be sure to keep this in mind:
“Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning,” says Dakota Fanning’s character in Uptown Girls.
While it might feel like you’re writing an ending, remember that this end is the opportunity for a new beginning, both for your character andyour story.

More Short Story Ideas

Ready to get writing? Get our workbook 15 Days to Write and Submit a Short Story for a step-by-step guide through the process.

6. Your character’s deepest fear is holding his or her relationship OR career back.

“Why bats, Master Wayne?” asks Alfred in Batman Begins.
“Bats frighten me,” Bruce answers. “It’s time my enemies shared my dread.”
We all have pieces of ourselves we’re trying to hide. You do, and so do the characters in your short stories. However, your characters’ secret fears and insecurities are actually the source of their power. Dive into them and you’ll unlock a captivating story.

7. A character living in poverty comes into an unexpected fortune.

This storyline is one of the seven basic plots, and it describes the plot of some of our favorites stories, including Cinderella, AladdinGreat Expectations, several of the parables of Jesus, and even Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
However, not all fortunes are good. As Tolstoy’s short story How Much Land Does a Man Need? and John Steinbeck’s novella The Pearl illustrate, sometimes discovering a fortune will destroy your life.

8. A character unexpectedly bumps into his or her soulmate, literally.

In film, it’s called the meet cute, when the hero bumps into the heroine in the hallway, knocking her books to the floor, and forcing them into conversation. In another story, they meet on a bus and her broach gets stuck on his coat. In another, they both reach for the last pair of gloves at the department store.
What happens next is an awkward, endearing conversation between the future lovers.
First, setup the collision. Then, let us see how they handle it.

9. Your character is on a journey. However, they are interrupted by a natural disaster OR an accident.

This is the plot of Gravity, The Odyssey, and Lord of the Rings. It’s fun because who hasn’t been longing to get to a destination only to be delayed by something unexpected.

10. Your character runs into the path of a monster.

In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” a family is on a road trip to Florida when they get into an accident beside the hideout of a murderer who had just escaped from prison. What happens next is one of the most famous encounters with a monstrous criminal in short fiction.
Monsters, whether people who do monstrous things or scaly beasts or a monster of a natural disaster, reveal what’s really inside a person. Let your character fall into the path of a monster and see how they handle themselves.

Wednesday 6 April 2016



I woke up today with lots of pain, blood all over my clothes. This is how our life is. There is no food prepared on the dining table on time. Food will only be served when there is enough food. If you hungry, the only thing you can do is to cry and put yourself in starve. We are full of pains and injures all over the body. They won’t even give you proper treatment and medicine or even enough rest. You have to be their slave. If you say no to them, you will get punishment. Every second you have to face you death is calling. This much of slavery is when our country terrorized by the terrorist for an uncountable demand.
The government isn’t approving and the result they captured us and torturing us. I don’t even know where is my family is. I really need them right now, want to be with them and want to share my cry and worries. What I can do know, only imagine…it’s only in my mind? I and my sister trapped with this terrorist with more number of people. We all were so scared because they don’t mind killing us, all they need is their demands.  
As I was standing right next to my sister, suddenly this guy drags my sister and brought her to stand in a line with few peoples. I begged them to let her and they don’t even care. I was too worried about her what they going to do with her with more others. All I can do is to bring my two hands together and pray to God to help her from danger.
As they finished gathering a few people, they started to give an announcement that they going to send all of them to another country as work slaves. I was really worried about my sister. The terrorist started to distribute something to them. As I observed clearly, actually it was a pistol!
Suddenly all of them started to hissing each other. They were planning to attack the terrorist by shooting them. At the time when they distribute the guns, there were only ten people, where its actually easy for them to shoot down all of them.
Out of a sudden, I heard a bang sound. When I turned back I saw a terrorist guy was shot on the head. I closed my ears and sat down. I prayed so hard and called my sister to come this side. But she was puzzled and running here and there. I ran towards her to help her, then I managed to grab her hand, and when I pulled her I felt a heavy weight. When I turned back I saw her got a shoot and lying down. I cried out loud of her name and shake her hoping her to wakes up. But her eyes refused to open. Her body was covered with lots of blood.
I felt sorry for my sister, but so many of them were dead. Still we can’t do anything and was hoping so that someone can help us. Hoping hopelessly….


Friday 25 March 2016

The Dark Shadow

The Dark Shadow
It was a pleasant night. I felt very sleepy but I couldn’t sleep in my own bed. Guess what...? Because it’s weekend and my sisters are at home. I have a bad attitude for the past several days. I used to watch horror movies late night and sleep at late night. But then I can sleep in bed without any hesitations.
I just don’t understand why this night is staring me in horror. After all, this night I have to sleep alone in living room. Co-incidentally this night was raining heavily. It’s damn cold and I was freezing all alone while all others are sleeping soundly. What a night man?? I hope I can sleep as soon as I closed my eyes and waiting eagerly to fall asleep.
There are no human beings in the living room other than me. I just hate this night so much even though it’s raining and a very good mood to sleep soundly, but I can’t fall asleep. Why??
Out of sudden, I heard something fell down from kitchen. I open my eyes widely to look over the dark side of kitchen. But I couldn’t see anything and the worse part I’m not wearing my glasses which makes me even more blind. I woke up and head to kitchen bravely. But it wasn’t anything. Then I drank some water and head back to the living room to sleep again.
I took my blanket and cover my whole body so that I can stay warm in this freezing night. I felt very cold until at a point I can’t take it. God please help me! Then I realized my sister standing right next to my pillow. “Uhm what you doing here?” I asked her without moving my blanket from my face. She didn’t reply me. Then I remove the blanket from my face. My sister wasn’t there! I was so shocked and I felt like my head going to burst because I felt her presence right next to me just now. My heart beats like as if I ran a hundreds meter around the field. I cover myself fully with the blanket and closed my eyes with tons of fears.
After few minutes, I felt the same presence again. I was hoping it’s my sister again. So, I remove the blanket slowly and turn at the back, “Oh my GOD!!!”
What am I seeing??  I can’t believe my eyes. I didn’t shout but what I saw was a dark shadow. It looks fully black with no limbs, with long straight black hairs and sharp nails. As I see it, it started to approaches towards me while floating in the mid of air.  I can’t do anything and I didn’t shout, and I don’t know why. I see back again and it came closer than before.
What should I do now? I was praying so hard that,  to let it go away. Then I decided to see back again. I remove my blanket and that shadow was right next to me. It took its long nailed fingers that my neck. I was shouting like hell, but none of my siblings or my parents came out. I thought I am so dead. But at that point I didn’t give and I prayed so hard.
What happened next was amazing, because I realized that shadow wasn’t there anymore. I thanked God for helping me. Then from the next day’s onward I stopped watching horror movies at late night. In the morning I told my parents and my siblings, what I went through last night. But they didn’t believe me at all and instead they laughed at me. It was embarrassing though.
The next day onward I stopped sleeping in living room alone, unless if my siblings are there.

Tuesday 8 March 2016



After all it was late night, Sally typed “Goodnight” to Mike and fall asleep intensely. They were texting the whole day without getting bored. Thanks to the creator of Whats App. So here how it begins, where Sally was pursuing her studies in engineering college. On one fine day, she got a request from Instagram. She approved and it was just an ordinary guy with a good looking and cute profile. After few days, she saw a friend request in Facebook. It was the same guy! Her heart starts to pounding fast. She approves though. Mike was his name. He approached Sally after few days by texting her in messenger. It was something about the guy that makes Sally to think of him often. He started to say “Hi”, and Sally replied the same. He didn’t ask Sally to introduce herself like what an ordinary guy do. He approached her with a question related to engineering society in her college. And yeah, that’s how their introduction begins which came across all over and currently in WhatsApp. They will text each other every day. They haven’t met in real, and they were eager to, but none approach each other. So it’s about texting the whole day and they never gets tired of it.
It was Monday again, and Sally was awake to get ready to go to college. She saw her phone vibrates with a pop up message from Mike, saying “Good Morning beautiful” with a number of smileys. It made her day, even though it’s just a small greeting message. It’s always about the right one who knows on how to make them happy. After done with classes, Sally took her favorite novel she borrowed from the library. It was something about the book that has some hidden meaning behind it. She remembered reading the book two days earlier that the main character met someone in a party and he approaches her in an unordinary way. “Wait, what? This was what happened to me. It was the exact way how Mike came when he approaches me.” Sally was reading the same page for two to three times, until she never realizes her friends are calling her from behind. She headed back to hostel. She was too eager to share about the novel to Mike. In few minutes later, Mike calls her. They were on phone for an hour where Sally was discussing about the novel.
Sally finished her reading and was pointing out some points she got from the novel. She listed them in detail in her notepad. She was planning to go for a vacation to clear all her doubts regarding the novel. But she needs someone to follow her, “Mike, yes he’s the right guy who can accompany me”, pops in Sally’s mind. The next minute she called Mike and ask “Hey Mike, Sally here. If you don’t mind can we go for a vacation this weekend if you’re free?”
“Definitely, I would love to”
“That’s great to hear from you, thank you. We’ll meet this weekend then and about the location, we discuss later”
“Oh sure, thanks for inviting me”
“No problem”
They hung up later. Sally felt a bit awkward though for approaching him first, where a guy supposed to do that. But it’s ok, because she felt confident enough to solve the mysterious novel. She didn’t say a single word about the reason she’s planning the vacation for. Because, she felt Mike might said she going beyond crazy and it’s a total waste of time.
The weekend finally arrives, and Sally was very excited to start off her adventure. She wasn’t that excited to meet Mike even though that’s their first time, she was all excited to discover about the novel instead. They met in a bus station where they plan to go for jungle trekking in a nearby forest. Sally looked at Mike and they shake their hands and said, “Hi” to each other.
“You look pretty in real compared to what I’ve seen in photos”
“Thanks for your kind words; shall we get into the bus?”
“Yes please my princess”, it brought smile and a little blush onto Sally’s face.
They came up fully prepared with tents and shelters, sleeping bags, camp cooking and dining, hiking and navigation and etc. They were in the bus where they sat next to each other. It took three hours journey in the bus to reach to their destination. Without realization, Sally slept off with her hands holding Mike’s hand and her head leaning onto his shoulder. Mike didn’t say a word and watch her sleeping which brought smile in his face. He kissed her forehead and pinched her cheeks slowly. He started to admiring her, but he didn’t show that to her.
Mike came all the way upon Sally’s request even though he has a lot of commitments in that particular day, because he felt something that made him think that she is his first priority. They reached the journey after three solid hours. Mike slowly wakes Sally, and they got down from the bus. It was three in the noon. They took a cab, and headed to nearby hotel to check in. Sally doesn’t mind staying in a same room with Mike. They booked a room for two days and one night. Mike helped Sally with her bags, and both of them walked towards their room. They unpacked their stuffs and got changed within half an hour. They headed to the nearby forest to look for a campfire set up and a place to set their tent as well. It’s about the place that comes with a package where you can choose to stay indoor or outdoor. They set their tent for each of them one. It was now Sally’s job to start with the points she got from the novel. “Mike, do you know why I called you for this vacation?”
“Yes, I know”
“But I said nothing about it, well what you think?”
“I’m pretty much in love with this idea; I mean anything I would love to do if you are there”
“That’s too sweet of you Mike, but let me tell you why I came this far and the reason I chose you to accompany me. It was all about this novel again, where I find something is related to my life, and yeah so I decided to discover the meaning behind it. So I chose you, because you gave a positive feedback when I shared with you compared to other friends of mine. So shall we start with our adventure?”
“This is cool enough, I am ready and we shall”
The first point she came was, river. “What can we do with river?” asked Mike. “Let’s go for fishing”. “That was a good idea”. Both walked to nearby river and they came up with many challenging obstacles. Finally they reached their destination. They found the place was so relaxing and were so peaceful. They started to tie bait in the hook and starts fishing. After few minutes, Sally found her bait pail have run out of worms. She told Mike that she was going to get grasshopper instead. She walked into the forest all alone. She found too many insects are flying around with scary sounds from all directions. Suddenly Sally realized that she came so far from the river and her heart starts to beats very fast. She looked at the back and couldn’t find which direction she came from. She starts to shiver, as it’s getting darker. She called out for Mike, but no reply. But Sally braves herself and walked along where she can find the way out. The further she walks in, the deeper she got lost into the forest. She was praying hard and calls out Mike’s name. Yet she didn’t get any reply from and wishes he was safe by the river. Tears started to drops down across her cheeks.
It was about two hours Sally was lost but she didn’t gave up and continue to walk. Suddenly she heard water stream sound somewhere deep in the forest. She followed the sound of stream. She got closer and closer. Finally she came by riverside. Luckily she placed a compass in her pocket. She took it out and walks to the south. As she was walking downstream, she saw something which caught her eyes. She saw an old man, half naked sitting in a tree which was carved perfectly beside the river that holds water which drops onto his head drop by drop. She was very surprised and at the same time was scared. Scared in the sense he might harm her. She watched him from all the directions precisely. He didn’t realize her presence and he looks like he was in a deep meditation. The guy called “Yes my daughter?” Sally was shocked but wasn’t scared because he called her in the most polite way.
She called sir and asked what he was really up to. He told something extraordinary to her but she didn’t understand. She asked for explanation. But he refused to and continued with his meditation and closed his eyes. Sally felt something and rushed herself to the riverbank where Mike was fishing. She was so shocked to see Mike was there in the same position he sat when Sally leaves off to the jungle to get the bait. She looks at the sky and it was clear and it’s not getting dark. She was really confused. She approached towards Mike and asked “Are you okay Hun?”, and he answered “You caught bait that fast?” Sally was really surprised and can’t even answer him, but yet she told him what happened to her. She even brought him to the tree she saw the guy, but everything she saw was nothing there.
But she saw one thing only, there was cemetery at right under the same tree she saw the guy. Sally fainted the moment she saw that. Mike was shocked and doesn’t know what to do. He went to the riverbank and took some water in his hand and sprinkled it on Sally’s face but she doesn’t give any response. Mike carried her and brought her to the hotel they checked in and urged them to call for an ambulance. The moment Sally was hospitalized Mike was too down and was worrying about her. He checked her all the time and be by her side for most of the time. The doctors came with a report that says she had stroke and there are less chances for her to recover. He was so doomed with that report and couldn’t even respond with a single word. Mike wants Sally back. But what he could do to save her. All he can do is to pray harder each and every day. “No, there should be something I could do to save her. She must be trapped in a danger”
Mike went to the forest again and went to the cemetery area where Sally fainted. He brought a priest together to console him, what that place was about. After few minutes of observation, the priest came up by identifying what the problem was. The priest told Mike, that it was the novel was all about that causing Sally to came up to this level. “You should bring the novel now and we should destroy it. The novel was haunted by a powerful spirit which made the reader to come into his control where he can bring out the soul for their ritual purposes.” told the priest. Mike doesn’t get anything in his mind. The only thing that runs in his mind was to bring the novel. He was searching the novel all over the places in the hotel and Sally’s bag. But it wasn’t there. Mike’s phone vibrated and it was a call from the hospital Sally admitted to. They urged Mike to come over to settle some pending fees. With disappointments of not finding the novel, Mike reached hospital and he continued to the receptionist to settle the fees. He approached to the room where Sally was admitted to have a look on her pale face which was so cold and can feel she was trapped somewhere and longing for my help. I went forward and kissed her forehead and pinkish cheeks and whispered into her ears that “I promise you that I will always never let you alone, I love you Sally”. As I was about to hold her hands, it was the novel. She was holding the novel. But, “How was it possible, how can she hold them, where it came from?” all kind of questions pop from my mind.
But yes, I finally found the novel. I took the novel from her hand. The moment I removed the novel from her gripping, Sally starts to bleed. She was bleeding from her mouth. But I wanted to hand over the novel to the priest first so that he can destroy it. I rush myself into the forest. The priest was there and I told that Sally was bleeding, and he told it’s the demon that controlling her body. “We have no time to talk, please destroy this first, as Sally is dying there” And the priest obeys my order, he threw the novel into the cemetery hole which he dug previously with some portions and chant spells. He closed the hole and said, “Sally should be awake by now, you should go and see her. She is safe now.”
Mike was so relived and thanked the priest and he rushed himself to the hospital. He rushed to the room she was admitted and found Sally was safe in sound. She makes some movements when I was by the door. She was fixed with many tubes as the effects of bleeding just now. I can’t hold my tears from dropping out from my eyes. I went closer to her and hold her hands. It was warm, like how it was when she holds my hands in the bus. She pulls me and asks me to come nearer. She whispered into my ears, and said that she heard what I whispered to her earlier. She said thanks and said “I love you too”. So everything was solved and they both headed back to home and reached safely.


Monday 7 March 2016



Today is our second year anniversary of being together after engaged. My fiancé took me to the hospital as his mom was admitted due to lung cancer. His mom is very supportive and a very gentle lady I ever seen. She has a very high self-confidence. My fiancé is the only son, and her husband died few years ago because of accident. She is a well-known lady in business and one of the best feminine in business. But she has one weakness; yes she’s having lung cancer.
“Can I hold your hands honey?” asked my fiancé with heart full of worries about his mom. I said yes and his grip was very strong where I felt it seeking a place to relax. I hold his hand with the equal strength as I can.
While driving he asked me, “What is your favorite car baby?” and I answered “I would always dreamt to own a Volkswagen beetle”.
Within few minutes later we have reached our destination. Once his mom saw us, I realized how one thousand watts lights a bulb. The same amount of brightness can be seen in her face. At that moment I realized how much she missed both of us, and she welcomed us with that bright smile on her face. In a second her smile dropped and turn into falling tears. She is very sad with her health and told my fiancé that she needs to hand over her business to him.
At first my fiancé was rejecting and gave all the confidence to her that she will get well soon, but ended up in taking over the business. She blessed both of us. I kissed her and give her a warm hug and leaves. As we walked to the car park, the place looks so dark and very lonely. We felt something is not right. Then suddenly we heard a voice heading towards us. We look back but couldn’t see anything. As we reached our car, we were frightened when we saw an old man dressed like magician standing right next to us out of a sudden.
My fiancé took a step forward and holds my hand tightly and asked me to stay back. But the magician seems to be nice and ask us to have tarot card reading. I said, “I won’t believe in this all and let’s make a move honey”. But the magician forces both of us, so my fiancé agreed as he looks very old and weak.
First he asked my fiancé to pick a card from the cards he was holding. It shows an illustration of richness, and when I took a card it shows sorrows. After the reading, my fiancé took his wallet and hands him twenty dollar, but he refused to receive it. Instead of money he asks us to give a drop of blood from each of us. We were frightened and said no. He was very angry and ordered us to give, and if not he will do something bad to us. My fiancé took his mobile to call the cop, but the magician did something magical and the mobile disappeared.
We were very scared, and we couldn’t do anything before he cursed us. He cursed us and our souls were trapped in some weird planet. I saw no human beings but a very developed place with all machines and fights and ugly creatures. This place looks terrible and a little similar like hell. This place makes me feels drowsy as both of us couldn’t breathe and I felt my heartbeat getting slower and slower. As I was gasping for air, I heard a voice; I opened my eyes and was surprised to see my fiancé holding a car key and handed it to me. Then only I realized it was a terrible dream. I hugged him so tightly and kissed him not to thank for the gift but for saving me from the terrible dream. I took the keys and asked my fiancé to follow me for a ride. As I drove the car, I saw the same old man dressed like magician heading to us. I didn’t stop the car and head straight.
I and my fiancé went to a park and had a good time spending together. But I didn’t tell him about the dream I had. I hope I don’t see the old magician again.


My Life's Turning Point

My Life’s Turning Point…

It was the night where I and my mom prepare our family vacation trip to India and I can clearly picture the night, the last night before I leave, I was very determined; I must spend at least 10 minutes talking to my babe. At last it was almost 12 midnight and I should be sleeping in bed but I call her and comfy her for few minutes. She was glad I managed to talk to her and say sweet words because it’s our first time leaving for a longer distance. But I promised her that no matter how busy I am I will call her at least once a day to talk to her. She was very happy and we sleep soon after.
And the day rises. I and my family had our breakfast together and we get ready to go to the airport. Actually this trip is not considered as family vacation because we are heading for our relative’s daughter’s marriage. I, my mom, dad and my brother were in the airport. For the last time before I leave, I called and informed my babe that I’m leaving. She asks me to stay safe.
It was a pleasant trip travelling to India. I enjoyed the journey so much. Once we reached there we had our way to the village. The village was full of green scenes and fresh air made me feel fresh. We had a great time meeting and getting know each other. We gathered after a very long time. Everyone appreciate my dad for the presence with family.
It was 2 days after the marriage ceremonies, I and my family went to sight-seeing the city to buy some stuff. At that time I really wanted to get something for my babe. So I lied to mum that I’m tired and I want to go home first. I quickly ran out from the mall and took a cab and ask the driver to bring to any other jewelry shop. As I entered there was full of ladies and not even a single man except me.
At first I was shy but I manage to enter the shop because I need to buy some presents for my babe. First I really tempted to get a hundred percent pure silver anklet to put over her sweet feet. So I got into that section and have a good one for her. I bought some dress and paintings for her and I just realized that I must rush back home before my parents goes back. I packed all the gifts nicely for her and straight head back to home. At night I was free and I manage to call her after 4 days I settled here.
When I call her, the number can’t be reachable. I was kind a worried. I spend ten minutes trying to call her but couldn’t get at all. Then thank God, I had her younger brother’s number. I called and he picked, I ask him where his sister is and what happened to her phone. He told me that her phone is missing and she went to her aunt’s house. Then only I feel relieved and continue my day peacefully.
Today is the last day in India and we are heading back to Singapore again. Even though we had a good time here but I can’t wait to go back to Singapore to see my babe. I’m so glad to be back to home sweet home after several days. We settled down the whole day and relaxed at home. The next day I woke up very early and get dressed up nicely and planned to give a surprise with the gifts I bought for her. I didn’t even call her and informed that I’m back. I can’t wait to see how she got surprised. I told my mom before leaving and she’s the only one who knows that I have girlfriend. I start my journey and within few minutes I reached her house. Their family knows very well about our love and we have a good support from them. So, I straight head into the house with the gifts I bought for her.

The first thing I saw once I entered was a photo frame of her and her brother with flowers. That really gives a big shock for me and her mother run towards me and she hugged me with eyes full of tears. She told me that she and her brother met in an accident and died on the spot three days ago. But when I call her younger brother two days ago he told everything was fine, which was a lie. I couldn’t bear to take the pain and I leave afterwards. It’s really painful when the person you love leaves you and you can’t even say the last goodbye…


My First Love

My First Love

This is the day! The first day I’m going to meet him after his proposal. He might be wondering is she going to accept or not. It’s 11.30pm. It’s getting darker and getting closer to end the day. This day is a very special day for us because we planned to get in touch back after few years.
It all happened because of Facebook. This was my usual login for that day, and after so long he came online. Two years back we used to be very close family friends. But now everything changed.
“Hi”, he sends me the start of the conversation. I also replied “Hi”. And our conversation started back. In an amusement our conversation becomes frequent and day by day getting closer. Even I felt a kind if he doesn’t send a message or call.
After one week of this non-stop conservation, we ended up in something that shocked me. It happened in this beautiful night. Normally he will call me at 12 in the midnight. As I was waiting, the phone also rings. A bundle amount of happiness burst throughout my face. I answered the call.
“Hello”, I said. “Hurmm what you doing”, he replied. From that tone I realized something wrong with him, as I asked “Anything wrong with you?” He didn’t replied and we we’re in a dead silence for few seconds. So, I started back the conversation. “You can share to me if you having any problem”. And he starts to share with me that he fell for a girl, and scared to propose because he said that he can’t accept if she says no. He sounds so serious. But, I ended up in putting a question mark who is she?
At first he said he don’t want to tell who is that. But after I forced him to tell, he asked me “where are you?” Then I said “I’m at my room, lying on my bed”. Then he asked me to get up and sit in front of a mirror. Until that point nothing runs in my mind. I just asked “why are you asking me to do nonsense in the mid of night?” But he forced me to do, and so I just followed according to what he said without any curiosity.
He asked me to look at the mirror carefully until one point he said “you asked who it is right?, the girl I’m falling for is in that mirror! ”. I was so shocked and at the same time I felt funny a bit which makes me to laugh. I don’t know what to react to his words and ended up in telling that “Give me three days to think about it”.
 And that day is here and I’m on my way to meet him. I didn’t even know how he looks like because we were not in contact for 2 years. A lot of aspects runs in my mind, “Will he be tall? Will he be fat? Will he be fair coloured skin”And yeah I have reached the destination and he was waiting for me in the car. I was too nervous because it is the day I have to tell the decision for his proposal.
The clock is ticking and he is approaching towards me, and what else I could notice… I looked a drastic change in his appearance. He grown up and looks so matured than before. He is tall, he is thin, he is fair, and he looks smart, handsome. I think there are no words to describe the moment I felt once I look at him. It was that amazing and I can’t believe a girl can sees a man in such ways.
My heart beats aggresively as he walks towards me. Well what else he would ask other than yes or no for the approval. But he did something that I can’t forget in my life. Once he reached right in front of me, he holds my hand and looks directly into my eyes. His lips came closer to my ears and asked, “Will you be a part of my life?”

What else a girl expects from a guy than such a romantic proposal. Since I was so touched from the way he did, I do the same. I get closer to his ears and said “I will be a part of your life now and forever. He was so happy and so do I. We spent our first date at few parks and went back home as the sweetest couple…